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CofE Primary School Going for GOLD with faith

Nursery - Previous Videos


Brent Music Service have created a great resource that offers music provision at home and is updated weekly. Sign up for access using the link below:

Oxford Owl Online Reading Resource

Click on the picture to take you to the website. Click on the pink 'My Class Log in'

User name: Penguin Nursery

Password: reading

  Welcome to Penguin Class


Hello, please go to the EYFS page to find this terms (Summer) Home Learning.

Click on the Link below.

Remote Learning for Monday 1st June 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Welcome back! I hope you all had a relaxing holiday and managed to enjoy this amazing sunshine. We think you will enjoy the task for today it is all about being positive and thankful!

The tasks for today are:

1. Play the Gratitude game

2. 30 Positivity Challenges - we would love to see which ones you do, so show us on Tapestry.

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Task 1 and 2

Mr Big Unit Plan

Information for the next two weeks:


As the school is due to reopen on the 2nd June for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6....these are the last daily videos. Don't worry we will still be updating the home learning page with lots of activities, links and daily lessons from external sources. We will also still be able to see your wonderful work on please keep showing us what you get up to at home. It always makes us smile :-)


Next week is half term week so please check out the EYFS class page for lots of activities that you can do over the half term week should you choose to. Just as was the case during the Easter may upload your work on to Tapestry but it may not be responded to until after the half term week.


Happy Eid to those celebrating in the half term week! We would love some photos of your celebrations.

Remote Learning for Friday 22nd May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! It is Friday! Thank you for all your amazing learning.  You are all fantastic. You have worked so hard this half term! Look out for your work to be displayed in the Home Learning Gallery. We will put some activities on here for the half term holiday. 

For today please listen to the story 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere link is above.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the story Mr Big. Can you make tickets and a wrist band for your concert?
2. Maths -  Ordering numbers - Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home.  You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side, and small edible objects. Enjoy!
3. Creative - Can you create a band and put on a performance? We would love to see your performances.

4. PD - .Cosmic Yoga - Jungle
5. Phonics Alliteration -  s (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer for today's morning songs

1. Literacy - Can you make tickets and a wrist band for your concert?

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Listen to the story Mr Big.

Make a Wristband

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2. Maths - Ordering numbers and counting

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Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home. You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side, and small edible objects. Enjoy!

3. Creative  - Create a band and put on a performance

You could get your siblings or teddies involved. Maybe you could learn and perform this song. Click on the picture below.

4. PD - Cosmic Yoga - Jungle

Click on the picture below.

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound s

Join Miss Kramer in learning the s song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with s?

For example: Sammy the slithery snake slithers through the grass

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the s sound?

Does your name have the s sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the s sound.

Phonics Alliteration s

Remote Learning for Thursday 21st May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! You have written some lovely, kind letters to Mr Big to make him feel better. Thank you for sharing your home learning with us.

For today please listen to the story 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere link is above.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big plays a piano and gets invited to join a band. Can you make a poster for Mr Big and the Big Band? 
2. Maths -  Ordering numbers - Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home. Maybe you could time yourself? You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side.
3. Creative - Make a musical instrument  - Can you make a shaker?

4. PD - .Body Percussion
5. Phonics Alliteration -  r (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's morning songs.

1. Literacy - Can you make a poster for Mr Big and the Big Band?

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Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big plays a piano and gets invited to join a band.

2. Maths - Ordering numbers

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Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home. Maybe you could time yourself? You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side.

Listen to the Numberblocks 1-10 song

Click on the picture below.

3. Creative - Making a musical instrument

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Can you make a shaker?

4. PD - Body Percussion

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound r

Join Miss Kramer in learning the r song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with r?

For example: Robbie the rabbit runs really rapidly in the rain

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the r sound?

Does your name have the r sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the r sound.

Phonics Alliteration r

Remote Learning for Wednesday 20th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Today is Wednesday. Thank you for sharing your home learning with, we really enjoyed seeing it.

For today please listen to the story 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere link is above.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is a lonely gorilla who can't find any friends (because he is so big) he finds a piano and his life changes. Can you write a letter to Mr Big? What could you say to make Mr Big feel happy?
2. Maths -  Ordering numbers - Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home. Maybe you could time yourself? You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side.
3. Creative - Collage a city 

4. PD - .Gorilla Dance.
5. Phonics Alliteration -  q (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer for today's Morning Songs

1. Literacy - Can you write a letter to Mr Big?

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Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is a lonely gorilla who can't find any friends (because he is so big) he finds a piano and his life changes. What could you say in your letter to make Mr Big feel happy?

2. Maths - Ordering numbers

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Watch Miss Kramer order the number and then play at home. Maybe you could time yourself? You will need paper with numbers 1-3,1-5 or 1-10 written on one side.

3. Creative - Collage City

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Can you create a collaged city?

4. PD - Gorilla Dance

Click on the picture below

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound q

Join Miss Kramer in learning the q song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with q?

For example: Queen quickly and quietly queues at quilt shop

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the q sound?

Does your name have the q sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the q sound.

Phonics Alliteration q

Remote Learning for Tuesday 19th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Tuesday. We really enjoyed seeing all of your Mr Big drawings, cities and your heavy and light objects. Well done!

For today please listen to the story 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere link is above.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is about a Gorilla called Mr Big. Where does Mr Big live?
2. Maths -  Heavy or Light - Balance Scales - can you make your own balance scales and find things to weigh on them?
3. Creative - Can you make a Mr Big Biscuit? 

4. PD - .Andy's Wild Workouts.
5. Phonics Alliteration -  p (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's morning songs

1. Literacy -Where does Mr Big live?

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Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is about a Gorilla called Mr Big.

2. Maths - Heavy or Light - Balance Scales

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Can you make your own balance scales and find things to weigh on them?

3. Creative - Mr Big's Biscuits

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Can you create your own Mr Big Biscuit?

4. PD - Andy's Wild Workouts

Get active with Andy as you explore the Rainforest

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound p

Join Miss Kramer in learning the p song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with p?

For example: Percy the penguin picks purple plums

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the p sound?

Does your name have the p sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the p sound.

Phonics Alliteration P

Remote Learning for Monday 18th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! We hope you have had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed the warm weather. We start a new story today - it is called Mr Big. We think you will really enjoy it.

For today please listen to the story 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere read by Miss Kramer.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is about a Gorilla called Mr Big. Can you draw Mr Big?
2. Maths -  Heavy or Light - Watch Miss Kramer talk about objects that are heavy and objects that are light. Can you find some heavy and light objects and sort them into piles?
3. Construction - Can you build a city? You could use cardboard boxes, bricks, cars, toys - to make your city come to life.

4. PD - .Body Percussion - How many noises can you make with your hands?
5. Phonics Alliteration -  o (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's morning song.

Mr Big by Ed Vere

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Read by Miss Kramer

1. Literacy - Can you draw Mr Big?

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Listen to the story Mr Big. Mr Big is about a Gorilla called Mr Big.

2. Maths - Heavy or Light

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Watch Miss Kramer talk about objects that are heavy and objects that are light. Can you find some heavy and light objects and sort them into piles?

3. Construction - Can you build a city? What will you use to create your city?


4. PD  - How many noises can you make with your hands?

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound o

Join Miss Kramer in learning the o song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with o?

For example: Olly the Ox stepped over the olives .

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the o sound?

Does your name have the o sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the o sound.

Phonics Alliteration o

Rainbow Fish:




Remote Learning for Friday 15th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Friday! Did you know that sea horses had monkey tails and octopuses blood is blue?!?

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy -Listen to the different sounds under the sea and create an Underwater picture and talk about your picture. 
2. Maths -  Roll or Slide - With objects around the house or the 3D shapes you found -can you investigate whether they roll or slide?
3. Understanding of the world -  Visit an aquarium with Mr Tumble 

4. PD - .Andy's Wild Work outs  - Under the Sea
5. Phonics Alliteration -  n (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's morning songs.

1. Literacy -

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Listen to the different sounds under the sea and create an Underwater picture and talk about your picture.

Cake liner fish

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Finger painting fish

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Guess the sounds

Click on the picture below.

2. Maths - Roll or Slide

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With objects around the house or the 3D shapes you found - can you investigate whether they roll or slide?

3. Understanding of the world -  Visit an aquarium with Mr Tumble 

4. PD - Andy's Wild Work outs  - Under the Sea


5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound n

Join Miss Kramer in learning the n song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with n?

For example: Nadine the newt nibbles nice nuts .

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the n sound?

Does your name have the n sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the n sound.

Phonics Alliteration n

Remote Learning for Thursday 14th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Thank you for sharing all your learning, we really seeing all your lovely dancing. Well done!

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Fact finding Sea creatures. Can you find out 5 facts about your favourite sea - creature? 
2. Maths -  Finding cones - Watch Miss Kramer talk about cones and then can you find some cones in your house. Show us the cones you have found on Tapestry.
3. Creative - Paint a Pufferfish - Can you paint a pufferfish using a fork!?

4. PD - .Dance - Can you dance like a fish? Can you show us your fish dance?
5. Phonics Alliteration -  m (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with the song this morning.

1. Literacy - Fact finding Sea creatures.

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Can you find out 5 facts about your favourite sea - creature?

Click on the pictures to find facts about different sea creatures.


2. Maths - Finding cones

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Watch Miss Kramer talk about cones and then can you find some cones in your house. Show us the cones you have found on Tapestry.

3. Creative - Paint a Puffer fish

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Can you paint a puffer fish using a fork!?

4. PD - Dance - Can you dance like a fish?

Show us on Tapestry. Click the picture below.

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound m

Join Miss Kramer in learning the m song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with m?

For example: Milo the mouse munched a magnificent mango.

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the m sound?

Does your name have the m sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the m sound.

Phonics Alliteration m

Remote Learning for Wednesday 13th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Thank you for sharing all your learning, we really enjoyed seeing it all. 

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story) There will be no morning songs today as I am teaching in school - I bet you know all the words and the actions to do it by yourself.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - I spy - Under the Sea. How many sea creatures can you name in 40 seconds. Can you teach Mrs Cullinane and Miss Kramer how to say the animals in your home language?
2. Maths -  Finding cylinders - Watch Miss Kramer talk about cylinders and then can you find some cylinders in your house. Show us the cylinders you have found on Tapestry.
3. Creative - A textured Starfish - Can you make a textured Starfish collage?

4. PD - .Dance - Can you dance like a whale? Can you show us your whale dance?
5. Phonics Alliteration -  l (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

1. Literacy - I spy - Under the Sea.

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How many sea creatures can you name in 40 seconds. Can you teach Mrs Cullinane and Miss Kramer how to say the animals in your home language?

2. Maths - Finding cylinders

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Watch Miss Kramer talk about cylinders and then can you find some cylinders in your house. Show us the cylinders you have found on Tapestry.

3. Creative - Textured Starfish

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Can you make a textured starfish? Show us on Tapestry.

4. PD - Dance - Can you dance like a whale?

Show us on Tapestry. Click the picture below.

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound l

Join Miss Kramer in learning the l song and action

Can you play the l spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with l?

For example: Lila the llama licks lilac lollipops.

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the l sound?

Does your name have the l sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the l sound.

Phonics Alliteration L

Remote Learning for Tuesday 12th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Tuesday! Thank you for sharing your learning, we really enjoyed seeing all your spheres - great hunting also fantastic fish made from bricks. 

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story) There will be no morning songs today as I am teaching in school - I bet you know all the words and the actions to do it by yourself.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Rainbow learns how to be a kind friend. How can you be a kind friend?
2. Maths -  Finding cubes - Watch Miss Kramer talk about cubes and then can you find some cubes in your house. Show us the cubes you have found on Tapestry.
3. Creative - Paper Plate Aquarium - Can you make a textured fish collage?

4. PD - .Dance - Can you dance like a crab? Can you show us your crab dance?
5. Phonics Alliteration -  k (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

1. Literacy -How can you be a kind friend?

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Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Rainbow learns how to be a kind friend.

2. Maths - Finding cubes

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Watch Miss Kramer talk about cubes and then can you find some cubes in your house. Show us the cubes you have found on Tapestry.

3. Creative - Paper Plate Aquarium

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Can you make a textured fish collage?

4. PD - Dance - Can you dance like a crab?

Show us on Tapestry. Click the picture below.

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound k

Join Miss Kramer in learning the k song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with k?

For example: Karla the Koala karate kicks kiwis .

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the k sound?

Does your name have the k sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the k sound.

Phonics Alliteration k

Remote Learning for Monday 11th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Hope you have had a lovely weekend! Thank you for sharing your learning, we really enjoyed seeing your 2D objects. 

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. What is the message in the story? Can you draw and explain?
2. Maths -  Finding Spheres - Watch Miss Kramer talk about spheres and then can you find some spheres in your house. Show us the spheres you have found on Tapestry.
3. Construction - Can you build a fish from bricks or household objects?

4. PD - .Gross Motor Challenge
5. Phonics Alliteration -  Recap (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with the songs today.

1. Literacy - What is the message in the story?

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Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. What is the message in the story? Can you draw and explain?

2. Maths - Finding Spheres

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Watch Miss Kramer talk about spheres and then can you find some spheres in your house. Show us the spheres you have found on Tapestry.

3. Construction - Can you build a fish from bricks or household objects?

4. PD

5. Phonics Alliteration Recap

Can you find objects in your home that begin with the sounds g,h,i,j? You could sort them into groups by their initial sounds - Take a picture and show us what you have found.

Remote Learning for Thursday 7th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Thursday! Thank you for sharing your learning, we really enjoyed seeing your octopuses. We wish you all a wonderful Bank Holiday Weekend.

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. What is your favourite part of the story and why? Can you draw and explain?
2. Maths -  Making 2D shapes from sticks. Watch Miss Kramer and see what shapes you can make from sticks (lollipops/tree sticks/ strips of paper). We look forward to seeing your shapes on the tapestry. 
3. Creative/Construction - Can you create your underwater scene? What will you use to create the scene?

4. PD - .Gross Motor Challenge
5. Phonics Alliteration -  Sound 'j' (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's songs.

1. Literacy - What is your favourite part of the story and why?

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Can you draw and explain your favourite part of the story?

2. Maths - Making 2D shapes from sticks.

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Watch Miss Kramer and see what shapes you can make from sticks (lollipops/tree sticks/ strips of paper). We look forward to seeing your shapes on the tapestry.

Click on the picture below to listen to a funky 2D shape song:


2D shape game link below:


3. Creative/Construction - Design an underwater scene.

Use bricks, tubes, toys and create your own ocean.

Here are some ideas:


4. PD - Gross Motor Challenge

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound j

Join Miss Kramer in learning the j song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with j?

For example: Jim the jellyfish jumps and jiggles the jelly.

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the j sound?

Does your name have the j sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the j sound.

Phonics Alliteration j

Remote Learning for Wednesday 6th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Thank you for sharing your learning, we really enjoyed seeing your weaving fish and underwater scenes. We wish you all a fantastic sunny day.

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Who does Rainbow fish meet in the story? Who are the characters in the story?
2. Maths -  Name the 2D shape and Shape hunt. Can you find the different shapes in your house? Show us on tapestry your different shaped objects.
3. Creative - Toilet Roll Octopus - Can you make a toilet roll octopus? We look forward to seeing your octopuses later.

4. PD - .Dance Challenge
5. Phonics Alliteration -  Sound 'i' (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's songs.

1. Literacy -Who does Rainbow fish meet in the story?

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Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Maths - Name the shape

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Can you name the 2D shape?

Shape hunt.

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Can you find the different shapes in your house? Show us on tapestry your different shaped objects.

3. Creative - Toilet Roll Octopus

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Can you make a toilet roll octopus? We look forward to seeing your octopuses later.

4. PD - Under the Sea Dance

Join in with the dance by clicking on the picture below.

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound i

Join Miss Kramer in learning the i song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with i?

For example: Insects in igloos.

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the i sound?

Does your name have the i sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the i sound.

Phonics Alliteration i

Remote Learning for Tuesday 5th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Tuesday! Thank you for sharing your learning, we really enjoyed seeing your foil and rainbow fish. We wish you all a lovely day.

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister and the song. The links are above (just click song or story).


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Where does Rainbow fish live? Where is the book set? 
2. Maths -  Sharing fish. For this activity you will need a piece of paper with 2 fish tanks on it and a selection of fish. How many fish will you share between the two tanks? How many fish do you have altogether?
3. Creative - Weaving Fish. Can you make your own weaving fish? I look forward to seeing your fish on tapestry later.

4. PD - .Gross Motor Challenge
5. Phonics Alliteration -  Sound 'h' (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with the singing the morning songs

1. Literacy - Where does Rainbow fish live?

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Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Where is the book set?

2. Maths - Sharing fish.

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For this activity you will need a piece of paper with 2 fish tanks on it and a selection of fish. How many fish will you share between the two tanks? How many fish do you have altogether?

3. Creative - Weaving Fish.

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Can you make your own weaving fish? I look forward to seeing your fish on tapestry later.

4. PD

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound h

Join Miss Kramer in learning the h song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with h?

For example: Harry the hairy hedgehog happily hops over houses .

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the h sound?

Does your name have the h sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the h sound.

Phonics Alliteration h

Remote Learning for Monday 4th May 2020

Hello Penguin Class! Happy Star Wars day! We hope you have had a wonderful weekend. We are starting a new book today which we hope you enjoy. Have a lovely Monday.

For today please listen to the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister read by Miss Kramer. Video below.


The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Can you draw Rainbow fish? What do you think about the story?
2. Maths -  Counting Rainbow fish scale game. Can you create your own Rainbow fish by counting the scales?
3. Creative - Foil fish - Can you create your own foil fish?  Ask an adult when using markers. We look forward to seeing your fish on Tapestry.

4. PD - .Under the sea Yoga
5. Phonics Alliteration -  Sound 'g' (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, We look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with the Morning songs

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

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Read by Miss Kramer

1. Literacy - Can you draw rainbow fish?

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Our story is all about beautiful fish who needs help learning how to share. Can you draw Rainbow fish? What do you think about the story?

2. Maths - Counting Rainbow fish scale game.

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Can you create your own Rainbow fish by counting the scales?

3. Creative - Foil fish

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Can you create your own foil fish?

4. PD - Under the Sea Yoga

Click the picture below

Have fun stretching!

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound g


Join Miss Kramer in learning the g song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with g?

For example:  Gary the gorilla giggles at green grapes.

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the g sound?

Does your name have the g sound in it?

Challenge: Have a go at writing the g sound.

Phonics Alliteration - g

Remote Learning for Friday 1st May 2020

Happy Friday Penguin Class! Have you seen your wonderful rainbows. Thank you for sharing your lovely learning with us. We hope you have a restful weekend and remember you are all stars! 

For today please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the Youtube version.



The tasks for today are:

1. Literacy - I Spy Jungle - We have learned lot about Jungles and animals that live in the Jungle. How many things can you name in 30 seconds. Miss Kramer got 21 - can you beat her? Maybe you could hold a competition in your house?
Challenge - Miss Kramer and Mrs Cullinane are trying to learn new languages. Can you teach Miss Kramer and Mrs Cullinane how to say the animals in your home language.
2. Maths - Positional language. Join in with the song - Where's the monkey? Challenge: Creating shadows and talking about the position and size of the shadows.
3. Creative - Thumb and Fingerprint Monkeys - Can you create a monkey using your thumb and fingerprints? We look forward to seeing your monkeys on Tapestry.

4. PD - .Jungle Yoga
5. Phonics Alliteration Recap - Can you find objects in your home that begin with the sounds a,b,c,d,e,f? You could sort them into groups by their initial sounds - Take a picture and show us what you have found. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with the morning songs.

1. Literacy - I Spy Jungle

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We have learned lot about Jungles and animals that live in the Jungle. How many things can you name in 30 seconds.
Miss Kramer got 21 - can you beat her? Maybe you could hold a competition in your house?

Miss Kramer and Mrs Cullinane are trying to learn new languages. Can you teach Miss Kramer and Mrs Cullinane how to say the animals in your home language.

2. Positional Language song

Join in with the song - Where's the monkey? Click on the picture below.

3. Creative - Thumb and Fingerprint Monkeys

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Can you create a monkey using your thumb and fingerprints? We look forward to seeing your monkeys on Tapestry.

4. Jungle Yoga

Click on the picture below. We look forward to seeing you stretching on tapestry later.

5. Phonics Alliteration Recap

Can you find objects in your home that begin with the sounds a,b,c,d,e,f? You could sort them into groups by their initial sounds - Take a picture and show us what you have found.

Recap Phonics

Remote Learning for Thursday 30th April 2020


Hello Penguin Class, We hope you have been having an excellent week. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful learning with us.

For today please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the Youtube version.



The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy/Creative - Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his mum.Can you retell the story by acting it out. You could use your toys as props, You could be the different animals in how you move and get your other family members involved. Or you could make character stick puppets to help you retell the story (See video below). We look forward to seeing you retell the story.
  2. Maths - Positional language. Join in with Miss Kramer you will need a small teddy to help you do the actions. Positional language challenge.
  3. PD - .Pudsey Stretches - Can you show us your stretching like Pudsey?
  4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound f. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join in with Miss Kramer.

1. Literacy/Creative -

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Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his mum.Can you retell the story by acting it out. You could use your toys as props, You could be the different animals in how you move and get your other family members involved. Or you could make character stick puppets to help you retell the story (See video below). We look forward to seeing you retell the story.

Making Stick Puppets

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Do as many of the characters as you wish.

2. Maths - Positional language

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Join in with Miss Kramer you will need a small teddy to help you do the actions. Positional language challenge.

Physical Development - Can you stretch like Pudsey?

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound f


Join Miss Kramer in learning the f song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with f?

For example:  Fred the fox finds fruit

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the f sound?

Does your name have the f sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the f sound.

Phonics alliteration f

Remote Learning for Wednesday 29th April 2020


Hello Penguin Class,

There are no morning songs for today as I am in school teaching our Keyworker children. Thank you for sharing all your lovely learning. We have enjoyed seeing your rainbows and  pasta names.  

To watch the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below.


The tasks for today are:

  1. Maths - Positional Language - Join in with Miss Kramer by doing the actions. You will need a teddy or a toy for this song. Maybe you can show us your version of the song. Or can you have a go at the challenge.
  2. Literacy /Creative - We have been reading Monkey Puzzle - Today's task is to think about your favourite part of the story and create a Puzzle. Maybe you could time yourself putting the puzzle back together again.
  3. Dance - Today is international dance day! Maybe you could hold a dance competition with your siblings, mums and dads. 
  4. Physical Development - Pudsey Challenge - Animal movements

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

1. Maths - Positional Language

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Join in with Miss Kramer by doing the actions. You will need a teddy or a toy for this song. Maybe you can show us your version of the song. Or can you have a go at the challenge.

2. Literacy /Creative -

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We have been reading Monkey Puzzle - Today's task is to think about your favourite part of the story and create a Puzzle. Maybe you could time yourself putting the puzzle back together again.

Making the puzzle.

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3. Dance -

Today is international dance day! Maybe you could hold a dance competition with your siblings, mums and dads. We look forward to seeing your dancing later.


Remote Learning for Tuesday 28th April 2020


Hello Penguin Class,

There are no video's today as I was in school yesterday and again today teaching our Key worker children. I have added three tasks for you today to enjoy. Feel free to have a go at any of the other tasks that are on the Penguin Class page or recap a Phonics sound. 

To watch the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below.


The tasks for today are:

  1. Creative- Design a rainbow for your window. When you go on a walk you can see how many other rainbows you can spot.
  2. Literacy - Writing and Tracing your name. What can you use to trace your name?
  3. Music and Dance - Create a dance or sing along to this rap about monkeys. Maybe you could wear your monkey hat.

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

1. Creative - Design a Rainbow for your window.

To cheer up people passing by your window and make them smile.

Have a look at these Rainbows.

I look forward to seeing your rainbows on tapestry or on my walk to school!


2. Name Writing and Tracing

Have a practice at writing your name. Maybe you could trace your name with pasta or spaghetti or bricks like the pictures below.

We look forward to seeing your names on Tapestry later.


3.  Music and Dance 

Can you create a dance or sing along to this rap about different monkeys? Maybe you can get your brothers, sisters, babies, mums and dads involved?

I look forward to seeing your dancing on tapestry later.

Remote Learning for Monday 27th April 2020


Happy Monday everybody. We hope you have had a lovely and restful weekend. We look forward to seeing your learning on tapestry. Also remember you are wonderful Penguin Class.


For today please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the story on Youtube.




The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his mum at the beginning of the book and has found her at the end. How does the monkey feel at the beginning of the story? How does the monkey feel at the end of the story? Talk about the monkeys feelings and draw a picture of the monkey.
  2. Maths - Positional language. Can you join in with Miss Kramer? Can you play your own what's under the cloth, inside the box or behind your back game?
  3. Understanding the World - Monkey's love bananas. Have a go at making Miss Kramer's Marvelously milky Banana-rama Milkshake.
  4. PD - How many different walks can you do and think of? Show us with either a video or picture.
  5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound e. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with singing the morning songs.

1. Literacy - How does Monkey feel?

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Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his mum at the beginning of the book and has found her at the end. How does the monkey feel at the beginning of the story? How does the monkey feel at the end of the story? Talk about the monkeys feelings and draw a picture of the monkey.

2. Maths - Positional language.

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Positional language. Can you join in with Miss Kramer? Can you play your own what's under the cloth, inside the box or behind your back game?

3. Understanding the World - Miss Kramer's Marvelously milky Banana-rama Milkshake.

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Understanding the World - Monkey's love bananas. Have a go at making Miss Kramer's Marvelously milky Banana-rama Milkshake.

4. Physical

5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound e


Join Miss Kramer in learning the e song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with e?

For example:  Ed the enormous elephant enjoys eating eggs!

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the e sound?

Does your name have the e sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the e sound.

Phonics Alliteration e

Remote Learning for Friday 24th April 2020


Thank you for helping me make the colour brown. We have enjoyed seeing all your fantastic learning that you have been sharing with us. 


For today please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the story on Youtube.



The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book is about lots of jungle animals. Can you think of and draw your favourite jungle animal? Can you find out 5 facts about your animal?
  2. Maths - Measuring with objects. Can you measure how long you are with socks? What other objects can you use?
  3. Creative- Can you learn the Safari dance? Maybe you could wear your monkey hat whilst you do the dance.
  4. Construction - Can you make a jungle? You could use duplo, big bricks, tubes, boxes, paper, toy animals, paper animals. We look forward to seeing your jungles.
  5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound d. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with singing the morning songs.

1. Literacy - Draw and find 5 facts about your favourite animal

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Our story book is about lots of jungle animals. Can you think of and draw your favourite jungle animal? Can you find out 5 facts about your animal?

Click the pictures to find facts.

Fact finding Video


Fact Finding website

This is where Miss Kramer found all her parrot facts!

2.Maths - Measuring with objects.

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Can you measure how long you are with socks? What other objects can you use?

Maths Online Games about size

Click on the pictures below to take you to the games.

A great selection of measurement games

Measure with objects

3. Creative- Can you learn the Safari dance?

Click on the picture below.


Maybe you could wear your monkey hat whilst you do the dance.


4. Construction - Can you make a jungle?


You could use duplo, big bricks, tubes, boxes, paper, toy animals, paper animals. We look forward to seeing your jungles.


5. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound d


Join Miss Kramer in learning the d song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with d?

For example:  Dan the dog digs dirt.

Dougie the Dinosaur dances in discos

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the d sound?

Does your name have the d sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the d sound.

Phonics Alliteration - d

Remote Learning for Thursday 23rd April 2020


Wow Penguin class, we can see that you have been so busy doing your learning. Well Done. Thank you for sharing it with us. We hope you are all keeping well and we miss you all lots.


For today please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the story on Youtube.




The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book is about a monkey and a kind butterfly who is helping the monkey find his Mum. Where does the monkey live? Can you draw a picture of where the monkey lives? Or create your own using the powerpoint? 
  2. Maths - Big and Small Hunt. Can you have a look around your house and find objects that are big and objects that are small? Can you sort the objects by size? Challenge: Can you order the objects by size from big to small?
  3. Creative investigation - Please can you help Miss Kramer by telling her how to make the colour brown. Which colours do you need to mix together? 
  4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound c. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with singing the morning songs.

1. Literacy - Where does the monkey live?

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Our story book is about a monkey and a kind butterfly who is helping the monkey find his Mum. Can you draw a picture of where the monkey lives?

Another name for a Jungle is a rainforest. Listen to the sounds of the Rainforest. With Andy the Adventurer. What animals can you hear? Maybe you could draw them as you listen.

Create your own Jungle

2. Maths - Big and Small Hunt.

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Can you have a look around your house and find objects that are big and objects that are small? Can you sort the objects by size?
Challenge: Can you order the objects by size from big to small?

Here are some online games where you have to find big objects and small objects.

Click on the pictures below to take you to the game.


Sort and compare animals


3. Creative investigation - Mixing Colours

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Please can you help Miss Kramer by telling her how to make the colour brown. Which colours do you need to mix together?

4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound c


Join Miss Kramer in learning the c song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with c?

For example:  Colin the caterpillar crunches curly carrots.

Claire the clever cat colours with crayons

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the c sound?

Does your name have the c sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the c sound.

Phonics Alliteration - c

Remote Learning for Wednesday 22nd April 2020


We really enjoyed seeing the learning that you had been doing yesterday, we can tell you have been doing lots of number work. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the story on Youtube.


The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his Mum. At the end of the story he finds his Mum and his dad. Can you draw a picture of your family? Can you tell us about who is in your family?
  2. Maths - Number Hunt. Can you have a look around your house for numbers? What numbers can you find? Can you learn a counting monkey Nursery Rhyme?
  3. Understanding the World/ Measuring - Our story is all about a little monkey. Monkeys love to eat Bananas. With your grown up have a go at making Banana Bread.
  4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound b. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with singing the morning songs.

1. Literacy - Family

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Our story book is about a monkey who has lost his Mum. At the end of the story he finds his Mum and his dad. Can you draw a picture of your family? Can you tell us about who is in your family?
Maybe you can practise writing your name.

2. Maths - Number Hunt.

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Can you have a look around your house for numbers? What numbers can you find? Can you learn a counting monkey Nursery Rhyme?

 Learn this counting monkey song.

5 little monkeys swinging from a tree.

Click the picture the below

3. Understanding the World/ Measuring - Banana Bread

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Our story is all about a little monkey. Monkeys love to eat Bananas. With your grown up have a go at making Banana Bread.

Ingredients for Banana Bread

4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound b


Join Miss Kramer in learning the b song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with b?

For example: Beautiful baby Bobby bakes big banana bread for black bats, blue birds, brown bears and buzzing bees.

Barry the Buzzing Bee says 'Buzz Buzz Buzz' 

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the b sound?

Does your name have the b sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the b sound.

Remote Learning for Tuesday 21st April 2020


We really enjoyed seeing the learning that you had been doing yesterday. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. Please click the picture below to watch the story on Youtube.



The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book has lots of different characters. What's your favourite character in the story?
  2. Maths - Look at the numbers and count with Miss Kramer. Can you learn a counting monkey Nursery Rhyme?
  3. Creative - Our story has a snake. Can you make a colourful pasta snake? Can you wear your pasta snake?
  4. Phonics - Initial sound a. (This is aimed at the children who will be going into Reception next year. Although everyone is free to have a go.)

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning songs

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Join Miss Kramer with singing the morning songs.

1. Literacy - What's your favourite character in the story?

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Our story book has lots of different characters. What's your favourite character in the story?

Favourite Character Drawing

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2. Maths - Look at the numbers and count with Miss Kramer.

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 Learn this counting monkey song.

5 little monkeys swinging from a tree.

Click the picture the below


3. Creative - Pasta Snake

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Our story has a snake. Can you make a colourful pasta snake? Can you wear your pasta snake?

4. Phonics - Alliteration - Initial sound a


Join Miss Kramer in learning the a song and action

Can you play the I spy game. What sound do all the objects begin with?

Can you invent a story about all the objects beginning with a?

For example: Ali the Ant was an astronaut ant who ate apples and axed avocadoes in half!

Can you think of or find anything in your home that begins with the a sound?

Does your name have the a sound in it?


Challenge: Have a go at writing the a sound.


Remote Learning for Monday 20th April 2020


Welcome back, I hope you have had a restful break and had a chance to enjoy the sunshine and listen to the bird song. We have enjoyed seeing all your lovely learning that has been happening in the last two weeks. So thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Please Listen to the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Our story book is all about a monkey who has lost his mum. Can you draw a monkey?
  2. Maths - Count different objects and characters with Miss Kramer. Can you count the animals in the picture or can you find objects in your house to count?
  3. Creative - Our story is about a little monkey. Can you make a monkey hat? Maybe you can act like a monkey when you wear it?
  4. Movement - Join in with the Monkey Yoga. I look forward to seeing photos and videos of you stretching on Tapestry later.

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun. Stay Safe.

Take Care.

Miss Kramer

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer in singing today's morning songs.

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson - Read by Miss Kramer

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Listen to Miss Kramer reading the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. What do you think the story will be about? I hope you enjoy it.

1. Literacy - Draw a monkey

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Our story book is all about a monkey who has lost his mum. Can you draw a monkey? I look forward to seeing your monkey's on later.

2. Maths - Count with Miss Kramer

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Count different objects and characters with Miss Kramer. Can you count the animals in the picture or can you find objects in your house to count?

3. Creative - Make a Monkey hat

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Our story is about a little monkey. Can you make a monkey hat? Maybe you can act like a monkey when you wear it?

4. Movement - Join in with the Cosmic Monkey Yoga.


Click on the picture below I look forward to seeing photos and videos of you stretching on Tapestry later.

Remote Learning for the Easter Holidays


We wish you a very restful holiday. We have put lots of activities on the EYFS page that you can enjoy over the Holiday time. Click the link below to access the page. We look forward to seeing what you get up to on TapestryOur responses will begin again on 20.4.20. Have a lovely two weeks.

Remote Learning for Friday 3rd April 2020


Thank you for sharing all the lovely learning you have been doing at home.  

Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - What do you want to be when you grow up? Talk and draw a picture of what you would like to be.
  2. Maths - Make 3 different sized patterned Eggs and then play a game of hunt the egg.
  3. Movement - Join in with the Hungry Caterpillar Yoga. I look forward to seeing photos and videos of you stretching on Tapestry later.
  4. Story - A caterpillar with many shoes!

(Watch videos below and follow the links)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun.

Stay Safe.

Take Care.

smileyMiss Kramersmiley

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with this Morning's - morning songs.

1. Literacy - What do you want to be when you grow up?

2. Maths - Patterned Egg Hunt

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Make 3 different sized patterned Eggs and then play a game of hunt the egg.

3. Movement - Very Hungry Caterpillar Yoga

4. Story - Caterpillar with lots of shoes

Remote Learning for Thursday 2nd April 2020


Thank you for sharing all the learning that you have been doing at home on Tapestry. You are all doing a fantastic job. 

Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Can you talk about your favourite time of the day? Draw a picture of what you do at this time and talk about it.
  2. Maths - Can you go on a clock/watch hunt in your house? What are the shapes of the clocks/watches? What numbers can you see?
  3. Creative/Understanding of the World - Can you make a spring tree? Look at the spring Powerpoint to see what happens at Spring. I look forward to seeing photo's of your spring trees on Tapestry later.
  4. Rhyme  - Hickory Dickory Dock - Can you learn the rhyme? Can you create a dance to it?

(Watch videos below)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun.

Stay Safe.

smileyMiss Kramersmiley

Morning Songs

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Join Miss Kramer with today's Morning songs.

Literacy - Favourite time of the day

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Can you talk about and draw your favourite time of the day? I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry later.

Maths - Looking at time

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Can you go on a clock/watch hunt in your house? What are the shapes of the clocks/watches? What numbers can you see?

Creative/ Understanding of the World - Making Spring trees

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Can you make a spring tree? I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry.

The Signs of Spring. Look what happens at Spring time.

Rhyme - Hickory Dickory Dock

Remote Learning for Wednesday 1st April 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Can you create your own story? Maybe you could base it on The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
  2. Maths - Matching the butterfly wings. Butterflies are very special because both their wings have the same pattern on them. They are symmetrical. Can you make your own symmetrical butterfly? 
  3. Creative - Can you make a folding butterfly? I look forward to seeing photo's of your butterflies on Tapestry later.

(Watch videos below)

Do as many tasks as you wish, I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun.

Stay Safe.

smileyMiss Kramersmiley

Morning Songs

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Join in with Miss Kramer with today's Morning songs.

Literacy - Can you create your own story?

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Listen and watch Miss Kramer reading her story about the 'very hungry chick' . Can you create your own story? I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry.

Maths - Matching the butterfly wings

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Butterflies are very special because both their wings have the same pattern on them. They are symmetrical. Can you make your own symmetrical butterfly?

Creative - Make a folding paint butterfly

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Can you make a folding butterfly? What colours and shapes can you see in your folding paint butterfly? I look forward to seeing photo's of your butterflies on Tapestry later.

Remote Learning for Tuesday 31st March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Watch the life-cycle of a butterfly. Listen to the Caterpillar song. Can you draw or make models from the play dough the life-cycle of a butterfly?
  2. Maths - Matching the Ladybird wings. Ladybirds are very special because both their wings have the same number of spots. They are symmetrical. Can you make your own ladybird? How many spots do you have on your ladybird wings?
  3. Creative - Can you make a Chrysalis for a toy or for yourself? I look forward to seeing photo's of your chrysalis on Tapestry later.

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun.


smileyMiss Kramersmiley

I am afraid there won't be any morning songs today as I am in school but below is a caterpillar song that you could sing and dance to.

Literacy - Life-cycle of a butterfly


After watching the life-cycle below can you create your own life-cycle of the butterfly.

There are 4 stages - can you remember them and put them in the correct order?

Or could you create a Butterfly life-cycle model out of play dough?

I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry later. 

Maths - Matching the Ladybird spots

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Ladybirds are very special because both their wings have the same number of spots. They are symmetrical. Can you make your own ladybird? How many spots do you have on your ladybird wings? Can you write the number?

Can you think of any other insect that has matching wings?

Creative - Make your own Chrysalis

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Can you make a Chrysalis for a toy or for yourself? I look forward to seeing photo's of your chrysalis on Tapestry later.

Remote Learning for Monday 30th March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - We have been listening and reading The Hungry Caterpillar. Can you talk about and draw what happens in the hungry caterpillar? You could; draw the story, make puppets, retell the story as you look at the book or pretend to be the Hungry Caterpillar.
  2. Maths - Patterns are all around us. Can you join Miss Kramer in the Copy the Pattern game and make your own patterned caterpillar? You can post a video of your child joining in with the pattern game.
  3. Creative - Can you make a caterpillar and butterfly mask? Can you create a dance to 'The Ugly Bug Ball'?

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry.

Have fun.


smileyMiss Kramersmiley

Morning Songs

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Join in with Miss Kramer with today's Morning songs.

Literacy - Draw the Very Hungry Caterpillar Story

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Can you draw or talk about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'? I look forward to seeing your versions of the story.

Maths - Repeating Patterns

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Can you join Miss Kramer with repeating the pattern? I look forward to seeing you repeating the pattern or creating your own patterned caterpillar.

Creative Activity - Make a mask and create a dance

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Can you make a mask and create a dance to the 'Ugly bug ball'? I look forward to seeing you wearing your masks and performing your dances on Tapestry later.

Weekend Remote Learning Project (28.3.2020 – 29.3.2020) -


Over the weekend, please continue with any Tapestry observations and make use of our fantastic Extra Learning Projects from the school website!


Here you’ll find online books to read with your child, great weblinks and videos and fun activity ideas to do with your child throughout the day.

smileyStay Safe and Enjoy!smiley

Remote Learning for Friday 27th March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - We have been listening and reading The Hungry Caterpillar. Can you retell the story of The Hungry Caterpillar? You could; make puppets, retell the story as you look at the book or pretend to be the Hungry Caterpillar.
  2. Maths - Patterns are all around us. Can you make a repeating pattern or can you describe a repeating pattern and guess what object comes next? 
  3. Creative/maths - Fingerprint Caterpillar - Can you make your own fingerprint caterpillar? You could make a repeating pattern with the colours.

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry. 

Have fun.


blushMiss Kramerblush

Morning Songs

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Join in with Miss Kramer as we find out about the day, date, month and weather.

Literacy - Retell the Story of the Hungry Caterpillar

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I look forward to seeing you retell the story of The Hungry Caterpillar on Tapestry later.

Maths - Repeating Patterns

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Can you make your own repeating pattern? I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry.

Look at these repeating patterns:

Creative - Finger Painting Caterpillars

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Can you make a finger paint caterpillar? I look forward to seeing them later. Enjoy!

Remote Learning for Thursday 26th March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Can you find a photo of when you were a baby and talk to your grown up about how much you have grown. You can post video or picture and write what your child says.
  2. Maths - How many patterned objects can you find in your house? Or can you sort the socks by type of pattern? I look forward to seeing your patterned objects or sorted socks. 
  3. Understanding the World - Can you find toys that work when you press a button? Can you show us how they work and what they do? Remember to use your words to explain.

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry. 

Have fun.


Miss Kramer 

I am afraid there won't be any morning songs today as I am in school but below is a butterfly song that you could sing and dance to.

Literacy Activity - Growing up

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Can you find a picture of when you were a baby? Talk to your grown about growing up and the changes that have happened.

Maths Activity - Patterns in our home

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Now you have seen the patterns that Miss Kramer has found in her home. How many different patterned objects can you find in your home? Or you can sort socks by their patterns? I look forward to seeing them on tapestry later.

Understanding of the World - Making things work by using buttons

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Do you have any toys that move or make a noise when you press a button? Can you show and explain to us how your toys work and what happens when you press the button? We look forward to seeing them on Tapestry later.

Remote Learning for Wednesday 25th March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - If you were 'The Hungry Caterpillar' ... what would you eat? Draw, collage or find the food and talk about favourite foods.
  2. Maths - How many different patterns can you wear? Take a photo or a video of you talking about the different patterns.
  3. Creative - Can you make a paper chain or a folding caterpillar?

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry. 

Have fun.


Miss Kramer 

Morning songs

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Join in with Miss Kramer as we find out about the day, date, month and weather.

Literacy Activity - If you were 'The Hungry Caterpillar'... what food would you eat?

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Draw or collage the food you would like to eat if you were 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. You could talk about your favourite food.

Phonics - Alliteration - a

Maths - Looking for Patterns

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How many patterns can you wear?
I look forward to seeing all your different patterned clothes.

Creative Activity - Paper-chain and Folding Caterpillar

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Have a go at making your own paper chain or folding caterpillar. We look forward to seeing your caterpillars on Tapestry.

Remote Learning for Tuesday 24th March 2020


Please Listen to the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Literacy - Draw The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  2. Maths - Go on a fruit hunt - Can you sort the fruit into groups? Can you count the fruit? Can you share the fruit between two toys?
  3. Creative - Can you make a fruit Caterpillar?

(Watch videos below)

I look forward to seeing your learning on Tapestry. 

Have fun.


smileyMiss Kramer smiley

Morning songs

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Good Morning Penguin Class, here are our songs that we sing everyday when we the do the register. Now you can sing them at home too. Enjoy!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

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Our book for the next two weeks will be 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar." By Eric Carle
Here is Miss Kramer reading the book.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Did you know moths make a cocoon and butterflies make a chrysalis?!

Literacy Activity - Draw The Very Hungry Caterpillar

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Can you draw The Very Hungry Caterpillar?

Maths Activity

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Can you go on a fruit hunt?
What type of fruits can you find?
How many fruits can you find? Count them and see
Can you sort them by fruit?
Can you share them between two toys?
Take a video of your child finding the fruits or counting the fruits or sharing the fruits.
I look forward to see your fruits.

Creative Activity - Fruit Caterpillar

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Have a go at creating your own fruit caterpillars.
Remember to ask your grown up for help when using a knife to chop.

Remote learning for Monday 23rd March 2020



  • familiarise yourself with the Extra Remote Learning Projects (under the Children tab on the website)
  • check that you are able to log in to Tapestry
  • upload an observation of sharing a book or a story together.

How to log on to Tapestry to upload daily observations

Observations by Parents

One of the fantastic features of Tapestry is that parents can also add observations/wow moments from home to your child’s journal. This is a great way of supporting us in assessing your child outside the school environment, it also provides us with opportunities to celebrate any achievements your child has made at home. Staff follow the guidelines above to ensure that the observations we make are purposeful and detailed, in a similar way we would appreciate it if you could follow the guidelines below. 

1. Add a title to your observation to summarise your moment e.g. Feeding the ducks

2. When writing your observation keep it simple. Try and record what your child said in their exact words and then comment on why this is a wow moment e.g. ‘X was excited to feed the ducks, she said “Look that duck is big than that duck”. X is starting to point out the differences between different objects.’ ‘X went to her cousin’s birthday party, she spent lots of time bouncing on the trampoline without help and taught her cousin how to jump and turn around at the same time.’

3. If you wish, then you can then add a photo or video to your observation (please keep videos to a maximum of 1 minute long). 


Commenting on observations by staff

When you read the observations by staff there is an option for you to leave a reply. Perhaps your child has done something similar at home or is showing particular interest in the topic of the observation - if so we would love to hear about it. If we have written a next step then you can also reply to the observation telling us about how your child got on at home e.g. ‘X loved talking about this painting at home and could tell us how she mixed the colours to make orange’.



- Any publishing of staff observations from Tapestry onto social media is strictly prohibited.  - Contact a member of staff if you are unsure about how to use any of the Tapestry features.  - Celebrate your child’s development by sharing the learning journal with them at home, we are sure your child would love to talk about what they have been learning at school. - We will be especially interested to hear about your child’s progress in relation to targets we set and share with you.


Don't forget to register your child for Free school Meals... see our page under the Parents tab for details, contact 0208 937 3110 or log into to register...


Class of the Week

  • Year 4 98.0%

Current Totals

  • Nursery 73.8%
  • Reception 86.1%
  • Year 1 95.6%
  • Year 2 94.7%
  • Year 3 95.6%
  • Year 4 98.0%
  • Year 5 90.9%
  • Year 6 93.6%

Overall School

  • Weekly:94.6% Year to date: 95.2%

Contact Us

Class Points

  • Nursery
  • Reception
  • Year 1 - Flamingo
  • Year 2 - Kingfisher
  • Year 3 – Quetzal
  • Year 4 - Phoenix
  • Year 5 - Hummingbird
  • Year 6 – Sisserou