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Welcome to Christ Church (Brondesbury)
CofE Primary School Going for GOLD with faith


Safeguarding at Christ Church (Brondesbury) C of E Primary School


Safeguarding children, staff and families is of the utmost importance to us here at Christ Church School.

We have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that our community feel safe and supported in their daily life and in their learning.


All of our Safeguarding Policies and procedures can be found on our website by clicking this link here or on the documents below.


All of our staff, including supply staff are subject to strict vetting procedures to ensure they have passed the statutory checks. Our Single Central Record of these checks and vetting is scrutinised on a regular basis by the Chair of Governors to ensure compliance.


If you have any concerns  regarding safeguarding at Christ Church Primary School, please talk to one of our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) team:


Mr J Kelly



Mrs. W Baverstock


 Deputy DSL

Mrs P Shah

Assistant Head

Deputy DSL

Mrs. J Jude

Assistant Head

Deputy DSL



The safeguarding team can be contacted at school by calling 0207 624 4967 or by emailing


Our Safeguarding Governor is Alison Schulte. Alison can be contacted by calling the school number 0207 624 4967


You can also contact Brent Family Front Door by calling 0208 937 4300 or by emailing


Our Local Authority Designated Officer for safeguarding is Mona Cook and she can be contacted by calling 0208 937 2057 or by emailing

Don't forget to register your child for Free school Meals... see our page under the Parents tab for details, contact 0208 937 3110 or log into to register...


Class of the Week

  • Year 4 98.0%

Current Totals

  • Nursery 73.8%
  • Reception 86.1%
  • Year 1 95.6%
  • Year 2 94.7%
  • Year 3 95.6%
  • Year 4 98.0%
  • Year 5 90.9%
  • Year 6 93.6%

Overall School

  • Weekly:94.6% Year to date: 95.2%

Contact Us

Class Points

  • Nursery
  • Reception
  • Year 1 - Flamingo
  • Year 2 - Kingfisher
  • Year 3 – Quetzal
  • Year 4 - Phoenix
  • Year 5 - Hummingbird
  • Year 6 – Sisserou