Weekly Home Learning consists of:
Write uplevelled sentences for each spelling word
If your child is missing an essential item, please visit the school office where such stationary items can be purchased for a very small fee.
Thank you for your continued support.
KS2 Teachers
Times Tables
If you are not secure with your 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x tables you must practise daily
Remember to practise your multiplication frequently especially in preparation for your screening check next year! Enjoy.
Click link here: The Maths Factor
Summer 2 term
Wk 6 - 08.07.24
Wk 1 - Children were pre-taught first week of learning during half term home learning
Write uplevelled sentences for each spelling word
Write 10 sentences for each spelling word
Write sentences (for the all the spelling words provided to you) and underline the word with a ruler.
Can you expand any noun phrases?
Is your work well presented and have you tried to use cursive writing?
Pupils must be able to do the following correctly and consistently:
Use a capital letter at the beginning of your sentences and a full stop at the end.
Read back sentence to check that it makes sense.
Ensure letter formation is joined correctly when using cursive writing.
Lower case/upper case should be the correct size in relation to each other.
Task 1
Y3 Grammar - refresh your knowledge - FLASHCARDS
Task 2
Comprehensions - give it a go to the best of your ability but please attempt the questions as it is good practise.
Skoders - UEFA Player Profiles
Phonics/Reading groups - Holiday Complaint Letter
EAL/SEN - KS1 2024 Men's Euros
Please use this week to catch up on any outstanding tasks.
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