Dear parents - please see the letters below (one for EYFS, one for KS1&2) regarding our contingency planning from January 2022 in case of class or school closures due to COVID-19.
EYFS - Lockdown Contingency plan
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are sharing our COVID-19 contingency plan with you in case there is a lockdown in January for the whole school or some classes.
- All children will be expected to attend a full day of virtual, live lessons on Teams. The lessons will be recorded and shared in the afternoon if a child is unable to attend the live, virtual lesson.
- Parents and carers will receive an email inviting their child to attend the live lesson.
- A timetable for the day will be available in each year group’s class page section.
- All children will be expected to send any work they complete on Tapestry.
- Some children will meet the criteria to be in school as part of a class bubble. Details of this will be sent to you.
In preparation for this, we will:
- Send home a class book with your child’s respective Teams login.
- Share a video for parents explaining how to login to Teams .
- All parents and carers will receive a notification asking them to declare if they need a laptop.
Currently, there is no planned lockdown and we are anticipating that all children will return on Wednesday 5th January. However, because times are unpredictable, we thought it necessary to share with you our plan so that no further learning is lost. Please continue to check the school app so that you are aware of all the plans.
We wish you a merry Christmas and hope to see you in the New Year,
Your Faithfully,
Mr J Kelly
KS1 & KS2 Lockdown Contingency Plan
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are sharing our COVID-19 contingency plan with you in case there is a lockdown in January for the whole school or some classes.
- All children will be expected to attend a full day of virtual, live lessons on Teams. The lessons will be recorded and shared in the afternoon if a child is unable to attend the live, virtual lesson.
- Parents and carers will receive an email inviting their child to attend the live lesson.
- A timetable for the day will be available in each year group’s class page section.
- All children will be expected to send any work they complete to the class email address.
- Some children will meet the criteria to be in school as part of a class bubble. Details of this will be sent to you.
In preparation for this, we will:
- Send home a class book with your child’s respective Teams and lgflmail logins, as well as the address of the class email.
- Teach all children how to login to Teams and their emails.
- Share a video for parents explaining how to login to Teams and lgflmail.
- All parents and carers will receive a notification asking them to declare if they need a laptop.
Currently, there is no planned lockdown and we are anticipating that all children will return on Wednesday 5th January. However, because times are unpredictable, we thought it necessary to share with you our plan so that no further learning is lost. Please continue to check the school app so that you are aware of all the plans.
We wish you a merry Christmas and hope to see you in the New Year,
Your Faithfully,
Mr J Kelly