Home Page

Welcome to Christ Church (Brondesbury)
CofE Primary School Going for GOLD with faith

Home Learning

End of Year Play!

Have a listen and practice these songs at home:

01 Sunbathing.mp3

02 Spanish Holiday.mp3

03 Heave-Ho!.mp3

04 Belly Of A Whale.mp3

05 Lord, Rescue Me.mp3

06 Nineveh.mp3

07 God's Love Don't Stop.mp3

Script and Lyrics

Weekly Home Learning


Home learning will be uploaded every Tuesday. This will consist of:


  • Spellings (Spelling tests will fall on a Monday)
  • Mathletics
  • 144 club practice
  • A snippet of the History/Science/Geography/SPaG/Maths knowledge planners for children to learn and copy out in their best cursive handwriting
  • Daily reading - children are expected to read everyday but at least once a week with an adult/older sibling. This needs to be recorded in their reading records which will also be checked on a Monday.

Tuesday 21st April 2024



Please practice your 5/6 words. There will be a spelling test on the first week back!




1. Complete your Mathletics assignment to practise your: Times Tables



We shall have a Y6 times table competition after Half Term. Make sure you practice all of your times tables 1s to 15s.  


These are also great websites to practice your times tables:

The Maths Factor Times Tables Check - Start

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (







'Active & Passive Voice' -


Practice using 'Colons' -

Design and Technology (Sculpture)

Research and create a fact file on any of these Black British sculptors.  Make sure you include information on the person - their childhood, family, ambitions & inspirations - as well as on their art.


Please practice this song at home:

Science (Energy)

Please copy out this snippet from the Science knowledge organiser:

Geography (Population)

Please copy out this snippet from the Topic (History/Geography) knowledge organiser:



Please copy out this snippet from the RE knowledge organiser:



Don't forget to register your child for Free school Meals... see our page under the Parents tab for details, contact 0208 937 3110 or log into to register...


Class of the Week

  • Year 4 98.0%

Current Totals

  • Nursery 73.8%
  • Reception 86.1%
  • Year 1 95.6%
  • Year 2 94.7%
  • Year 3 95.6%
  • Year 4 98.0%
  • Year 5 90.9%
  • Year 6 93.6%

Overall School

  • Weekly:94.6% Year to date: 95.2%

Contact Us

Class Points

  • Nursery
  • Reception
  • Year 1 - Flamingo
  • Year 2 - Kingfisher
  • Year 3 – Quetzal
  • Year 4 - Phoenix
  • Year 5 - Hummingbird
  • Year 6 – Sisserou