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Welcome to Christ Church (Brondesbury)
CofE Primary School Going for GOLD with faith

RE Day - Creation - March 2023

On 29th March 2023, the children and adults here at school learned more about the creation story.


We started the day with an introduction and prayers with Mother Christine, where we heard the Creation Story from the Bible.

Following this, the children swapped classes to learn about each day in the story. At each stop, they reflected what they learned through some creative activities.


Some of these activities are shown below:

On the third day, God created the land and all of the plants, grasses and trees began to grow. God saw this and thought it was good!


To reflect this part of the story, our children engaged in some planting activities. They dug up the planter boxes along the side of school and planted some lovely flower seeds.

Fingers crossed that they sprout and grow soon!

On the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon and the stars to light up the sky. God looked at these and saw that they were good.


To reflect this, the children looked at Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" painting and recreated it with chalk and pastels.

On the fifth day, God created all of the creatures that crawl, slither and walk on the land. God saw his animals and thought that they were good.


To reflect this, the children (and Mother Christine!) made models of animals from modelling clay. Just look at the detail they have included.

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Class of the Week

  • Year 4 98.0%

Current Totals

  • Nursery 73.8%
  • Reception 86.1%
  • Year 1 95.6%
  • Year 2 94.7%
  • Year 3 95.6%
  • Year 4 98.0%
  • Year 5 90.9%
  • Year 6 93.6%

Overall School

  • Weekly:94.6% Year to date: 95.2%

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Class Points

  • Nursery
  • Reception
  • Year 1 - Flamingo
  • Year 2 - Kingfisher
  • Year 3 – Quetzal
  • Year 4 - Phoenix
  • Year 5 - Hummingbird
  • Year 6 – Sisserou